For all I can be, I am just a me
Even if I tried, couldn’t be anyone else you see!
I love, I l care, I believe and I cry,
My logic my own, and you’d only wonder why!
‘Times I’m up, others I’m not,
Sometimes I’m hyper and can’t stop!
I am a loyal and honest friend,
Come what may I’ll be there until the end!
I am a romantic, sensual, and passionate too,
As someone I love, I share this with you!
I can be sweet and shy or sassy and bold,
I’m quite a handful, or so I’ve been told!
I am not perfect; I do have my faults,
Like when I’m scared I put up high walls!
Or I’m not as confident, as I’d sometimes like to be,
And when I’m hurt, I hurt deeply!
My heart is all my own - often misunderstood,
They say I don’t always do things for my own good!
I have many facets, like a diamond you see…
Take me as I am, for I am only me!!
Written for & dedicated to someone very very special!
@someone special: When you read this, you'll know I'm talking about you :)
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